Millions Of Dollars In CapEx
Finance Waste May Be Hidden
In Plain Sight.
How can it be uncovered?

Having evaluated thousands of leases over the past quarter of a century, we know exactly how to achieve operational excellence for our clients and help them develop and maintain the most advanced and cost-effective leasing programs in the country.

"Your guidance...has no doubt saved Phoenix Children's Hospital hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars"
- Dennis Bruns, VP of Finance
We ensure that your company's financial interests are secured, both today in terms of immediate budget pressures, and in the future when contracts are terminated or technology changes.

Most companies lease one asset or one asset class at a time, and others by department. Few executives are aware that multi-location businesses can leverage their total leasing spend through our facilitated RFP process company-wide, garnering the best rates and terms from leasing companies around the country and applying those terms consistently to every asset leased. Optimus will be your go-to contact for lease providers and your internal stakeholders.
Lease payments are a loss leader for leasing companies. The true cost of a lease must include what is embedded in the lease contract. These byzantine terms, which seem standard and harmless, add 20% to 50% in cost to every transaction. We thoroughly vet potential leasing contracts and relationships for immediate and long-term compatibility and competitiveness, without financial conflict of interest.
In so doing, we uncover and eliminate excessive lease spending, conflicts with technology replacement cycles, eliminate financial surprises, and create an audit path to gain a comprehensive understanding of your company's leasing spend.
Having reviewed thousands of lease transactions over the past quarter of a century, we have found that approximately 70% of leases contain material errors in agreed-to pricing and contract terms. As your go-to contact, we will be responsible to confirm and correct any errors before they get to your desk for signature. And throughout the lease term, we will be there to field issues as they may arise, and monitor your portfolio and financial health, creating an audit path to gain a comprehensive understanding of your company's leasing spend and key performance indicators.
Optimus is not a leasing company, but we know the industry just as well. We are cost-reduction consultants who specialize in lowering technology leasing costs and eradicating waste. Our clients have lease portfolios of $10 million or more, which translates to saving them millions of dollars. The following example illustrates just one of 32 lease terms that are in almost every operating lease that will prove to be detrimental to your bottom line.
We exist because lessors capitalize on knowledge imbalance between themselves and their customers. The universal source of hidden costs in every lease is the contract. In fact, our experience has shown that most companies are spending 25% more than necessary on their equipment lease spend because they are signing contracts crafted by leasing company legal counsel, not their own.
The total cost of leasing cannot be calculated, planned, measured, compared or known, without advanced and deep understanding of certain key provisions. Examples include:

I want to thank you for the past five-year association we have had and for the more than $2 MILLION you saved us on equipment lease obligations we assumed from other companies we purchased....

When we assumed operations of the new company, reviewed the obligations with the 13 lease companies and the 60 schedules related to the 600 pieces of equipment, it seemed we were going to have some difficult times ahead... Originally, I had only hoped for a speedy evaluation of the leases to determine if a new rate could be negotiated or if we were better off refinancing. As a final result, we were extremely happy to find you were able to reduce the cost of these leases by over $500,000.

Contact Optimus to learn more or to schedule a complimentary consultation with our lease optimization specialists.