Client Situation:
Leader in Agricultural industry with $1B+ annual revenue, owned by a PEI Top 5 Firm, 5,000+ assets under lease throughout the nation

Engagement Objectives:
- Rapidly (within 90 days) pinpoint financial waste within existing lease portfolio and loan obligations.
- Identify opportunities to increase EBITDA.
- Advise client on resolving conflicts between leasing contracts and asset “keep/replace/disposal” game plan.
- Benchmark pricing, set standards and compliance methods on a go-forward basis with all lease providers.

Engagement Objectives:
- Lack of availability of accurate and complete lease documentation data.
- Unclear, undetermined, equipment useful life strategy, creating an internal culture of indecisiveness.
- Capital approval budget timing was “out of sync” with lease expiration dates, equipment useful life, and rising repair and maintenance costs.
Client Results
- $1.1 million in savings by paying off egregiously high interest rates.
- $4.2 million in net asset gain by purchasing $4.7 million in equipment from lease provider for $500,000 in cash.
- Accelerated the termination of 600+ assets in lease extension.
- Accelerated the termination of 600+ assets in lease extension.
For more information please contact:
Todd Wyles
(443) 629-8871